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Independent Consultants' SIG : an end and a beginning

Wed, July 18, 2012 3:00 PM | Grace Judson

After my post a few weeks ago promoting the Independent Consultants' SIG, I'm now writing - regretfully - to say that I'm closing the ICSIG down.

In observing what's happened over the last year, and in talking with several past attendees, it's clear that for many reasons we're just not getting the traction we need - primarily consistent attendance at the meetings - to make the kind of difference and offer the sorts of support that I had hoped.

Everyone is very busy (yay!), and San Diego is a very large county, both factors that make travelling to meetings challenging.

So the SIG as such will not be meeting any more.

HOWEVER, I do plan to work with different resources to present a varied selection of webinars and teleclasses - such as the September "Inspired Time Management" teleclass - that I hope will be of benefit to ASTD-San Diego's Consultant membership as well as to the membership as a whole.

Please let me know (just post in the comments here) what sorts of topics you'd like to learn more about, and we'll get them on the calendar if at all possible. 

And of course show your support by signing up for the teleclasses/webinars as we offer them ... and then (ahem!) coming to them as well!


  • Wed, July 25, 2012 3:41 PM | Anonymous
    I'll miss the SIG, though I certainly understand. I'm looking forward to the teleclasses! Perhaps we could have a future session on maximizing LinkedIn for consultants?
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