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President's Letters

  • Sun, December 14, 2014 6:12 PM | Annette Weinstein

    December Presidents Letter

    Author:  Nancy McMonigal

    At this special time of year we have the opportunity to express our gratitude and appreciation to the special people in our lives. I want to extend a warm holiday greeting to all of you and say THANK YOU for making my 2014 ATD president’s year spectacular. I’m grateful for all the support and contributions that you’ve provided to make our ATD San Diego year – a banner year! We are on track with our operating budget, we continue to grow our membership, and we’ve been able to provide a variety of programs and events. Please keep the ideas rolling in – we are planning 2015 to be as enriching as 2014! Your volunteer time to help make our offerings and programs happen is essential to our chapter’s health and helps us continue the legacy of ATD in San Diego.
    As I write my last President’s letter for the year, I want to express my deepest respect and gratitude to the 2014 Board of Directors that work tirelessly to keep us moving along.
    -    Grace Judson and Mary Jane Riccardi have completed their Board commitments. They have supported our chapter for years and have served on the board for multiple terms and positions. I am honored to have learned from them and hope to see them back in a different capacity in the future!
    -    Liz Aitcheson has also completed her Board commitment. She has been the driving force behind our chapter meetings – we have greatly benefited from her talents.
    -    Melanie Proshchenko, Carollyn Rock, Jacqueline Sirota and Dawn Schultz were all new to the board this year and have done a fantastic job of learning and diving in to make our chapter shine. They are all returning next year – so another big THANK YOU for your continued support.
    For 2015, get involved with our ATD San Diego family for further professional development, networking, and talent development help. You will definitely experience the benefits of friendship, collaboration, and professional development – as I have.
 Have a safe and enjoyable holiday!

    Nancy McMonigal
    2014 Chapter President

    Upcoming Events

    Wednesday, December 10 – Five Hidden Obstacles to Hidden Performance
    TIME: 11:00am-1:00pm at the Lafayette Hotel , 2223 El Cajon Boulevard, SD 92104

    A primary goal for any trainer is helping employees deliver their best performance. Unfortunately, many employees and teams continue to fall short of their potential even after receiving extensive training and coaching. One of the first steps in any performance improvement endeavor is to identify the root causes of poor performance. New research reveals that some of these obstacles are hidden, unusual, or even counter intuitive. Join Jeff Toister for this entertaining and informative presentation to help you learn about and develop practical solutions to help employees improve performance.

    Thursday December 11, 2014 – Human Performance Alliance Happy Hour
    TIME: 5:30pm-7:30pm at the Hyatt in La Jolla – Michael’s Lounge
    Peer Support - Networking - Motivation - Commitment - Focus - Results
    Join members and guests of San Diego leadership organizations for an informal evening of meaningful conversation, networking and masterminding. This event is for anyone with an interest in networking, workplace learning and improving human performance.

    Thursday, January 8, 2014 – Human Performance Alliance Happy Hour
    TIME: 5:30pm-7:30pm Location TBD – we have to move our location due to renovations at Michael’s Lounge.

    Thursday, January 15, 2014 – Social Media – Social Learning! SAVE THE DATE
    TIME: Morning workshop and afternoon Chapter Meeting
    Jane Bozarth will be presenting a 3-hour, hands-on Clinic from 8:30am – 11:30am
    We will practice setting up and working with a number of different tools that may include a blog, a shared document, a photo-based tool, Facebook, and Twitter. We will also be engaged in an activity with each type of tool, and identifying ways to use each to support workplace learning/extend formal training.

    From 4:30-6:30 Jane will be our Keynote Speaker to kick off our 2015 Chapter Meeting with Social Learning!

    Details to be on our website soon – SAVE THE DATE!

    Resources and Community Events

    Here are a few upcoming programs that we want to share:

    -    We are looking for your program success stories and possible locations for an upcoming chapter meeting. If you weren’t able to nominate a program for the PEAK Awards, you can still share your success with us. Let us know if you have a program to share and/or you have a location for a chapter event. We want to spotlight our chapter members!

    Don’t Get Caught Unaware and Unprepared for the changes in AB 1825 – all sexual harassment trainers will now be including prevention of “abusive conduct”. Join Civility Partners and Shorago Training Services for a review of their popular webinar program. To learn more and register:

    - Coaches’ Café from the San Diego Professional Coaches Alliance. Offering unique opportunities for members to connect, brainstorm, and support each other in a small group setting. They’re offering lively in-person and virtual coaching cafes on different topics, so there’s something for everyone! For more information:

    -    As a local San Diego ATD member, you can attend any ATD LA and ATD Orange County event for the local member price! All 3 of the local ATD chapters are helping each other to reach across Southern California to share resources and provide various opportunities to learn!

    -    Our chapter raises money each time you use our chapter ChIP code of CH8024 when you purchase from ATD National. Whether it’s a book, a class, or a conference - you are helping to support the San Diego chapter with the ChIP code of CH8024. National will send a percentage of your sale back to our chapter - last year we raised almost $1000 from ChIP code revenue. Thank you for your continued support!

    Volunteer of the Month For October is Jacquie Uriell!
    Jacquie Uriell has been an active member for the past few years. She began as a protégé in the Mentorship Program and with encouragement from her Mentor, Kathy Rippy, she dove in to help with Programs and Events. She loves event planning and logistics and was instrumental this year with planning for our Collaboration Events with SHRM and the sister HR organizations, as well as the behind the scenes event planning for the Mentorship Program. We are so grateful for her positive attitude and her “get it done” philosophy! Please help me thank and congratulate Jacquie as our Volunteer of the Month for October!

    Advance Through Volunteering!
    Advancing professional development is one of our chapter goals. A great way to drive your own development is through volunteering with the ATD chapter. Contact us to learn more about opportunities with out chapter. If you have been an active volunteer for 6+ months, at any time as a member, we are looking for a few more volunteer leaders for our 2015 Board of Directors. Contact me to learn more.

    Need Help?
    Advertise a job opening on our website and also market your services. The ASTD San Diego Resource Directory can help you find a consultant or vendor for your Training and Development project. Email me for information.

  • Sun, December 14, 2014 3:18 PM | Annette Weinstein

    Author:  Nancy McMonigal


    We are very excited about this time of year - it's a celebration and time to reflect for everyone. In our work life, we are finishing up our 2014 projects that will match up to our goals (often rushing to complete by 2014). Personally, we are thinking about the holidays and saying "how did this happen - it's already November!” At ATD San Diego, this month we are celebrating our Performance Excellence Awards, the graduation of 14 pairs from our Mentor - Protégé program, and preparing our 2015 Board of Directors’ transition.

    If you are new to our chapter or have been a long-time supporter, most of you are aware that the PEAK Awards and our Mentor-Protégé Program really set our chapter and community apart from other ATD chapters across the nation. We all have worked hard to shape these programs to bring value to our members. Driving value and relevance for our professional development is our core mission in San Diego.

    • We hope you will join in on the fun at the PEAK Awards meeting and think about how you can bring visibility to your organization by applying in 2015!
    • Watch for notifications on joining the 2015 Mentor-Protégé program in the next few months.

    As we wind down 2014, I hope you are able to connect with your ATD San Diego community. We all learn from each other and building relationships with this special community has been one of the most rewarding aspects for me as an ATD member and the honor as an ATD Board member.

    Enjoy the season!

    Nancy McMonigal
    2014 Chapter President

    Thursday November 13, 2014 – Human Performance Alliance Happy Hour

    TIME: 5:30pm-7:30pm at the Hyatt in La Jolla – Michael’s Lounge

    Peer Support - Networking - Motivation - Commitment - Focus - Results

    Join members and guests of San Diego leadership organizations for an informal evening of meaningful conversation, networking and masterminding. This event is for anyone with an interest in networking, workplace learning and improving human performance.


    November 13-14, 2014 – Project Management for Learning Professionals Certificate-San Diego Chapter Hosted Program!

    Plan, organize, and control your workplace learning and performance projects. Monitor the costs these projects incur, while you establish a project scope, create schedules, manage resources, and celebrate accomplishments.


    In this workshop, developed in partnership with Russell Martin & Associates, participants will learn how to better manage the critical project management role that helps us deliver learning and performance solutions in a way that supports business goals. The workshop provides concrete steps to improve project management skills and a method that is repeatable yet flexible.

    PMI Certifications: Russell Martin & Associates is a Registered Education Provider through PMI. Through this program, you can receive up to 14 PDUs (professional development units) toward the Project Management Professional Certification. Check with the Project Management Institute for their requirements.

    Remember to use the San Diego Chapter code: CH8024


    Wednesday, November 19 PEAK Awards (Performance Excellence and Applied Knowledge) Best Practices Presentations

    TIME: 11:30am-1:30pm at the Handlery Hotel

    Come learn from the best of the best Learning and Development practitioners in San Diego! What could you discover? Get a front row seat to the finalists’ enlightening presentations on the problem they identified, their strategic interventions and the results. We have four finalists presenting this year including:

    ·                     Illumina

    ·                     Rady Children's Hospital

    ·                     San Diego County Regional Airport Authority

    ·                     Toister Performance Solutions

     We will also announce the winner of the 2014 PEAK award.


    Wednesday, December 10 Five Hidden Obstacles to Hidden Performance

    TIME: 11:00am-1:00pm at the Handlery Hotel – SAVE THE DATE!

    A primary goal for any trainer is helping employees deliver their best performance.

    Unfortunately, many employees and teams continue to fall short of their potential even after receiving extensive training and coaching.

    One of the first steps in any performance improvement endeavor is to identify the root causes of poor performance. New research reveals that some of these obstacles are hidden, unusual, or even counter intuitive. Join Jeff Toister for this entertaining and informative presentation to help you learn about and develop practical solutions to help employees improve performance.




    - We are looking for your program success stories and possible locations for an upcoming chapter meeting. If you weren’t able to nominate a program for the PEAK Awards, you can still share your success with us. Let us know if you have a program to share and/or you have a location for a chapter event. We want to spotlight our chapter members!


    - Here are a few upcoming programs that we want to share:


    Don’t Get Caught Unaware and Unprepared for the changes in AB 1825 – all sexual harassment trainers will now be including prevention of “abusive conduct”. Join Civility Partners and Shorago Training Services for an informative webinar on Dec 4th to walk you through the new changes. To learn more and register:



    Coaches’ Café from the San Diego Professional Coaches Alliance. Offering unique opportunities for members to connect, brainstorm, and support each other in a small group setting. They’re offering lively in-person and virtual coaching cafes on different topics, so there’s something for everyone! For more information:



    - As a local San Diego ATD member, you can attend any ATD LA and ATD Orange County event for the local member price! All 3 of the local ATD chapters are helping each other to reach across Southern California to share resources and provide various opportunities to learn!


    - Our chapter raises money each time you use our chapter ChIP code of CH8024 when you purchase from ATD National. Whether it’s a book, a class, or a conference - you are helping to support the San Diego chapter with the ChIP code of CH8024. National will send a percentage of your sale back to our chapter - last year we raised almost $1000 from ChIP code revenue. Thank you for your continued support!


    Our ATD Sponsors
    Thanks to all the sponsors that have supported us throughout the year! We couldn’t be as effective without your additional support. Our current sponsors include:

    First Step Communications – Providing a multi-channel resource center providing world-class offshore cohesive Customer Contact, BPO, Marketing, Advertising & Trade solutions to financial services and the communciations industries.

    Ferrari Productions – Your one stop source for video production and still photography. From photography, web videos and TV commercials to corporate videos and training, Ferrari Productions can move your audience.

    MotivAction - Through employee engagement, recognition and training we help our clients do more, buy more, sell more and learn more. And that adds up to more results.

    Training Funding Source – They can help your company or client like to be paid up to $5,200 per employee for training through the State of CA.

    Vector612 -
    Local, full-service learning technology solutions provider. From strategy to content to platform, we specialize in online and social learning.



    Volunteer of the Month For September is Rebecca Everett!

    Rebecca Everett has been an active member or our chapter for years. She has played a number of behind the scenes roles as well as a chapter leader roles as Membership Director and our current PEAK Awards Chair. Rebecca focuses on all aspects of Talent Development to support quality programs and events for our membership. She is leading our PEAK Awards committee this year and has provided countless hours over the past several months to bring value to the applicants, our 4 finalists and the attendees of the awards program. Rebecca’s positive attitude is contagious and drives the people around her to also strive for excellence. Please help me thank and congratulate Rebecca as our Volunteer of the Month for September!


    Advance through volunteering!

    Advancing professional development is one of our chapter goals. A great way to drive your own development is through volunteering with the ATD chapter. Contact us to learn more about opportunities with out chapter. If you have been an active volunteer for 6+ months, at any time as a member, we are looking for a few more volunteer leaders for our 2015 Board of Directors. Contact me to learn more.


    Need Help?

    Advertise a job opening on our website and also market your services. The ASTD San Diego Resource Directory can help you find a consultant or vendor for your Training and Development project. Email me for information.




  • Sun, October 05, 2014 8:27 PM | Nancy McMonigal

    Congratulations to all of us in the training and development community! More and more job openings are coming to my attention as our field is steadily growing and becoming a key component of every thriving organization. We are sharing job openings at all of our events and we have a Job Bank on our site for our corporate members to post job listings for free. We have an arrangement with too – to help get the word out. ATD National also has a national job bank to help our community. If you know of an opening, please bring it to our attention so we can pass the word. We are all working together to drive the importance of talent development!

    - Our October and November line up includes a number of networking events, some special chapter meetings and more National Certificate programs.

    - We have added a Fireside chat this month with Dr. Anne Litwin on October 16th to discuss gender issues in the workplace. Thanks to Union Bank for sharing Dr. Litwin with our ATD community.

    - Talent Development begins with excellence in programming. Our flagship program in November is our Performance Excellence and Applied Knowledge (PEAK) Awards. We will be unveiling our 2014 PEAK Winner at our chapter meeting lunch on November 19th. Our finalists will share best practices of their key T&D programs. You’ll gain insight into creating your own programs of excellence. This annual event is not to be missed!

    Join the fun this fall to connect with your local community!

    Nancy McMonigal
    2014 Chapter President

    Thursday October 9, 2014 – Human Performance Alliance Happy Hour
    TIME: 5:30pm-7:30pm 5:30-7:30pm at the Hyatt in La Jolla – Michael’s Lounge
    Peer Support - Networking - Motivation - Commitment - Focus - Results
    Join members and guests of San Diego leadership organizations for an informal evening of meaningful conversation, networking and masterminding. This event is for anyone with an interest in networking, workplace learning and improving human performance.

    Wednesday October 15, Chapter Meeting: Diversity Panel - Bolstering Innovation and Creativity through Diversity
    TIME: 7:30am-9:30am at the Hilton Bayfront, San Diego
    A panel discussion focusing on the topic of Bolstering Innovation and Creativity through Diversity will be moderated by Dr. Stephen Jones. Panelists include, Dennis Kennedy from the National Diversity Council, Lee Wills-Irvine from Qualcom, Tana Slomowitz from GloCo Leadership Consultancy, Regina Petty from Fisher & Phillips, LLP, Mervin Roxas from Easter Seals Dixon Center, Claude Koehl from Intercultural Service and Dr. Bernardo Ferdman from Alliant International Univ. Presented by the San Diego Collaboration, a Mega-Community of 13 HR Associations.  Membership in any affiliated HR or training organization in San Diego allows you to register at the affiliate rate.

    Thursday October 16, 2014 – Fireside Chat with Dr. Anne Litwin: Women’s Dynamics in the Workplace: Understanding How Women Work Together and How to Lead Them
    TIME: 5:30pm-7:30pm 5:30-7:30pm at the Hyatt in La Jolla – Michael’s Lounge
    Join author Dr. Anne Litwin for a discussion on gender issues in the workplace.  Anne provides insights on how to leverage diversity for business success with both men and women.  She is a consultant, coach, veteran trainer, and author of New Rules for Woman.

    October 20-21, 2014 – Coaching Certificate Program from National ATD
    Help others develop, take action, and make better decisions. Improve your clients' ability to set goals and achieve satisfying results by helping them identify and take advantage of their natural strengths. Participants will learn a model that outlines a coaching process they can use with individuals, teams, or an entire organization, and will practice foundational coaching competencies through role plays, group exercises, and case studies.
    Remember to use the San Diego Chapter code: CH8024

    November 13-14, 2014 – Project Management for Learning Professionals Certificate-San Diego Chapter Hosted Program!
    Plan, organize, and control your workplace learning and performance projects. Monitor the costs these projects incur, while you establish a project scope, create schedules, manage resources, and celebrate accomplishments.

    In this workshop, developed in partnership with Russell Martin & Associates, participants will learn how to better manage the critical project management role that helps us deliver learning and performance solutions in a way that supports business goals. The workshop provides concrete steps to improve project management skills and a method that is repeatable yet flexible.

    PMI Certifications: Russell Martin & Associates is a Registered Education Provider through PMI. Through this program, you can receive up to 14 PDUs (professional development units) toward the Project Management Professional Certification. Check with the Project Management Institute for their requirements.
    Remember to use the San Diego Chapter code: CH8024

    Wednesday, November 19 – PEAK Awards (Performance Excellence and Applied Knowledge) Best Practices Presentations
    TIME: 11:30am-1:30pm at the Handlery Hotel
    Successful learning and performance initiatives deserve to be highlighted and shared in order to promote innovation and excellence within our organizations.  Each year we review and honor applicants that exemplify Performance Excellence and Applied Knowledge
    Prepare to be WOWed at this special event to spotlight excellence in learning and development from local San Diego colleagues.  We will also announce the winner of the 2014 PEAK award.


    - We are looking for your program success stories and possible locations for an upcoming chapter meeting. If you weren’t able to nominate a program for the PEAK Awards, you can still share your success with us. Let us know if you have a program to share and/or you have a location for a chapter event. We want to spotlight our chapter members!

    - Our chapter raises money each time you use our chapter ChIP code of CH8024 when you purchase from ATD National. Whether it’s a book, a class, or a conference - you are helping to support the San Diego chapter with the ChIP code of CH8024. National will send a percentage of your sale back to our chapter - last year we raised almost $1000 from ChIP code revenue. Thank you for your continued support!

    - As a local San Diego ATD member, you can attend any ATD LA and ATD Orange County event for the local member price! All 3 of the local ATD chapters are helping each other to reach across Southern California to share resources and provide various opportunities to learn!

  • Mon, September 01, 2014 8:27 PM | Nancy McMonigal

    September is upon us - the perfect time of year to direct our renewed energy from our summer escapes! We all need time away for a fresh eye, fresh perspective and fresh energy to focus on our remaining 2014 goals and our 2015 plans.

    Have we accomplished our goals thus far in the year? What is still on our list and in development? Our San Diego T&D community can help. We have a lot of great professional development opportunities, along with our Chapter Program on Sept 23rd on Employee Engagement. The other major fall program is our Performance Excellence and Applied Knowledge awards. We are proud to highlight and share best practices about excellence in training programs from a variety of San Diego’s companies.

    We hope participation in our programs can help you accomplish your 2014 goals and provide ideas for your 2015 plans.

    Nancy McMonigal
    2014 Chapter President

  • Fri, August 01, 2014 8:24 PM | Nancy McMonigal

    August is already upon us and it’s often called the “dog days of summer”. In San Diego, our warmest months are Sept and Oct but this year we have already had a lot of warm weather! We hope you are staying cool and enjoying dogs at a BBQ or at a Padres game! Looking towards the fall, we are planning a number of great activities, programs, and workshops. Here are some highlights:

    ASTD Name Change to ATD

    ASTD is changing its name to the Association for Talent Development (ATD). As a local chapter of ASTD, we are too! Our programming, networking and services will not change – just our name and branding.

    ASTD has been the chosen acronym for our association since 1943. The American Society of Training Directors was established by 15 men in the Petrolium industry during WWII. In 1964, they changed the “Training Directors” part to “Training and Development”. Did you know that the San Diego chapter was one of the first local chapters established in 1947? We will be transitioning to the new name of ATD, as the Association for Talent Development, to champion a new era of how learning is established within organizations. Watch for a separate President’s letter to come this month that will unveil our new colors and discuss the transition. Please see the home page of our website with the announcement and some slides.

    We look forward to seeing you at these upcoming events and you can connect with your fellow members. We can also be found on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and the website.

    Nancy McMonigal

    2014 Chapter President

  • Mon, July 21, 2014 8:22 PM | Nancy McMonigal

    Welcome to July and to holiday weekend! To honor our mission of focusing on our own personal and professional development, we are planning a light summer activity list to allow for some down time. Not all development comes from workshops and meetings! We hope you can enjoy some time off to enjoy family, vacations, and all the great things that summer has to offer. We’ll all be ready to share some fresh ideas at our September chapter meeting.

    We look forward to seeing you soon and don’t forget to connect with us through LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and the website.

    Chapter Leadership – Is it for you?
    It is not too soon to start considering next year. With the change of the ASTD name to ATD (ie: talent development) – we are elevating our T&D work and impact higher up in our organizations. The training and development roles are becoming true talent development at the strategic level. This creates a great opportunity for you to be involved on a larger level. ATD’s San Diego chapter will have several board positions open in 2015 for members looking to use and enhance their leadership experience and skills. Board members build a strong network of colleagues and lasting friendships. Opportunities to showcase your talents are nearly unlimited on the board. Whether your gifts are technical, organizational, or creative, serving on the board provides a great opportunity to demonstrate and develop your leadership skills for the betterment of our Chapter and your professional career. Don’t underestimate the power of a “board member” title on your resume.

    Check out our website for more information and an application. There are a lot of great reasons to volunteer for the board – I hope you find one to fit your goals!

    Nancy McMonigal
    2014 Chapter President

  • Sun, July 20, 2014 8:15 PM | Nancy McMonigal

    It’s hard to believe we are entering June and the official start of summer. On behalf of the Board of Directors, we express our concern and support for any of you that experienced a loss during our May fires. Reach out to us if there is any support we can provide.

    What’s in a name?
    Most of you have heard that the organization name is changing to the Association for Talent Development (ATD). The new name was announced at our Annual conference on May 9th by our president, Tony Bingham. The motivation behind the new name, new branding, and new logo is to elevate our world of T&D to the strategic level within an organization. The most successful companies are developing people as a top line priority – integrated into their business strategy. We all know that people/talent development is one of the most important roles for a company. We are more then trainers – our role has a direct effect on overall business outcomes. The T&D function is now being referred to as Talent Development within multiple Fortune 500 companies and the Chief Talent Officer is becoming the new name for the HR Director (check out this new trend on LinkedIn). The ASTD Mission and Values stay the same – to drive performance improvement through developing knowledge and skills which ultimately creates a better world. For more information, join our chapter conversation on Linkedin view the ATD National website:

    The ASTD chapters have 1 year to implement the new change so we are establishing a special committee to help with our own change management. This is a great opportunity to gain first hand experience with implementing our brand change. Contact me to get involved!

    For a productive way to kick-off your summer, we hope to see you at our upcoming June events.
  • Sat, July 19, 2014 6:29 PM | Nancy McMonigal

    Happy May! It’s a great month for us to remember our goals of 2014. There’s a lot of the year remaining to make a difference with our planning and our programs. ASTD International Conference and Expo (ICE) is being held in Washington DC, May 4-7th. We are learning about global training trends and gaining best-practice knowledge from a variety of companies and consultants. Learning from our fellow professionals is a great tool to help us with our day to day work decisions. Our San Diego Chapter Team will bring back highlights to share!

    We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events in May and June and sharing best practices.

    ASTD San Diego Mentor-Protégé Program– Applications accepted through May 12th.

    This is an award-winner program to help both mentors and proteges with skill development and relationship building. Download a flyer and apply for both mentor and protégé positions. This is a great way to learn about our ASTD San Diego community. I was a protégé and the experience has helped me through the years!


    Performance Excellence and Applied Knowledge (PEAK) Nominations are now open!

    If you have a training program, that show learning results, we want to hear from you. Nominate your program, or your client’s program for a PEAK Award. Nominations are being accepted through August 1st. Start early and reach out for any help or questions. Click here for all the PEAK information.


    Thursday May 8, 2014 – Human Performance Alliance Happy Hour

    Peer Support - Networking - Motivation - Commitment - Focus - Results

    Join members and guests of San Diego leadership organizations for an informal evening of meaningful conversation, networking and masterminding. This event is for anyone with an interest in networking, workplace learning and improving human performance. 5:30-7:30pm at the Hyatt in La Jolla. Click here to learn more and register.


    Tuesday May 20, 2014 – Chapter Happy Hour Mixer

    On May 20th from 4-7pm, our chapter will be hosting a chapter BBQ to kick off summer! Join us at Gordon Biersch Brewery & Restaurant for a relaxed evening of good food and great converstation with your fellow training and development professionals.

    Tuesday, Jun 3, 2014 – Happy Hour Networking with Author Beverly Kaye

    SAVE THE DATE! Join us for a very special happy hour networking with author Beverly Kaye. Beverly is the author of the popular book Love ‘Em or Lose ‘Em – Getting Good People To Stay and she is the CEO of Career Systems International. Beverly will be joining us for an informal networking to meet with our San Diego learning community. Details to be posted on our website soon.

    Wednesday June 25, 2014 – Solutions Marketplace with SHRM and San Diego Sister Organizations

    SAVE THE DATE! We will be having our 2nd annual vendor marketplace to pin point learning solution providers and discuss specific needs with the San Diego community consultants through one on one meetings. The event will be at the San Diego Air and Space Museum from 4-7pm. Sign up will be available soon!


    We continue to strive to bring you as many beneficial opportunities as we can. A few items of note:

    -        Did you know that using our chapter ChIP code of CH8024 - each time you purchase from ASTD National - helps support our chapter? You’ve probably seen the ChIP code listed on the website but you might not know that National will send a percentage of your sale back to our chapter. Each dollar that comes back to us helps provide local programs! Last year we raised almost $1000 from ChIP code revenue. Thank you for your support!

    -        We have a meeting reciprocity rate to attend any of the ASTD LA and ASTD Orange County events for the member price. All 3 of our chapters are helping each other to reach across Southern California to share resources and provide various opportunities to learn!

    Enjoy the pleasures of May and Happy Mother’s Day to all of the hard working mothers in our community! We look forward to seeing you soon,

    Nancy McMonigal

    2014 Chapter President

  • Thu, April 10, 2014 8:36 AM | Grace Judson

    Spring has definitely sprung and also delivered a few days of summer in San Diego! One way to celebrate Spring is to learn and network with your fellow ASTD members at one of our upcoming meetings.

    APRIL 15-17, 2014

    Join us next week for a very special workshop with Adobe – teaching us about eLearning techniques with Captivate. Allen Partridge is a Sr. Product Evangelist from Adobe. He will be conducting the workshop on Tuesday, April 15th in San Diego and April 17th in LA. Allen will also be our Chapter Meeting guest speaker on Wednesday, April 16th discussing Trends in eLearning. We have a busy week planned for Allen! Click here to learn more and register.

    MAY 19-20, 2014

    On May 19th and 20th, we have another special workshop planned with Jim Smith Jr. If anyone attended our Chapter Meeting last September – you were able to see Jim in action. He motivates us as training professionals to excel at our presentation, facilitation, and communication skills – in business and in life. He’s offering a 2-day bootcamp for San Diego and special early-bird rates. I’m planning on attending and hope to see you there too. The first night of the workshop – we have a Chapter BBQ planned with Jim so all of our members can network together and meet Jim. It’s at Gordon Biersch in Mission Valley.

    Click here to learn more and register for our May events.

    We continue to strive to bring you as many opportunities as we can find that are of benefit to our ASTD community. A few items of note:

    We are offering a meeting reciprocity rate to attend any of the ASTD LA and ASTD Orange County events for the member price. All 3 of our chapters are helping each other to reach across Southern California to share resources and provide various opportunities to learn!

    ASTD National International Conference (ICE): We have a Chapter Team Discount to attend the conference! That means we have 5 San Diego members registered to attend and anyone who wants to attend can get the discounted rate of $300 off registration! On the website – register for the conference and use the “Conference Team Rate”.

    I hope this April finds you inspired with your learning. We look forward to seeing you soon,

    Nancy McMonigal

    2014 Chapter President

  • Thu, February 27, 2014 8:32 AM | Grace Judson

    I hope you are starting off the year well and are looking forward to expanding your horizons with many learning opportunities in 2014!

    Our chapter has had a very busy 2014 so far, with an engaging workshop in January with Eric Kaufman and Gregg Fasbinder. They created an open-space technology, Genius Forum workshop for our meeting that explored Crafting Cultures That Engage and Empower! We are grateful for sharing their expertise!

    We also honored a few of our outstanding volunteers for 2013:

    Volunteer of the Year:

    - Melanie Proshchenko

    - Amy Osback

    Rookies of the Year:

    - Bryan Lubic

    - Carollyn Rock

    President’s Choice Award:

    - Constantine Bautista

    This month began with the Training Magazine Conference at the Convention Center. We were so pleased to see everyone that came by our ASTD booth to say hi and share your stories. Last week we partnered with National ASTD for a Telling Ain’t Training workshop – many ASTD members from all over the country. We are excited that we will be partnering with National ASTD for a number of programs in 2014!

    Interested in Volunteering

    We have volunteer opportunities to suit you! Whatever time you have to give, and whatever your volunteer objectives may be – we have something that will be just right for you, from our PEAK, Membership and Technology committees to our Events. To get involved, email me and we’ll talk about what’s available.

    Volunteer of the Month – January:

    Angela Martin

    Angela Martin is new to ASTD and completely blew our socks off! Angela took the lead to organize our Training Magazine Conference booth. It was truly a pleasure to work with her. Angela is moving to Orange County for work and to begin her masters program. We are so sad to loose her but know she’ll be in good hands with ASTD in Orange County.

    Please join me in a big “thank you!” to Angela, our January Volunteer of the Month!

    Need Expert Help?

    Advertise a job opening on our website and also market your services. The ASTD San Diego Resource Directory can help you find a consultant or vendor for your Training and Development project. Email me for information.


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