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ATD President's Letter - January 2021

Tue, January 12, 2021 6:30 PM | Tom Velasquez (Administrator)

Happy New Year ATD San Diego!

I am thrilled to volunteer alongside an incredibly talented group of professionals who will serve as your 2021 Board of Directors. Please help me in welcoming:

  • Melanie Chin  – Marketing Director
  • Melissa Esten – Membership Director
  • Sylvia Melena – Programs Co-Director
  • David Berke – Programs Co-Director
  • Karen Radzinski - Secretary
  • Gwen Franco – President-elect
  • Mary Jane Riccardi – Past President
  • Norma Hernandez – Chief Financial Officer
  • Tom Velasquez – Technology Director

One of our top priorities is to continue providing safe programming as we navigate the global pandemic. Last year you proved that even though we couldn’t meet in person, you still wanted to connect. We promise to offer opportunities for you to continue to connect with your learning and development peers and develop your skills. Watch our website for the new infographic “Charting New Territory” guiding you along our year of programming. We’ll continue to watch the updates on the pandemic and wait to host in-person gatherings until it is safe to do so.  

Join us on Wednesday January 20th for our virtual Kick-off event. I’ll share a chapter update and we’ll provide time for you to engage with one another. We will host a virtual Professional Mixer on Thursday January 28th - be sure to register for one or both. 

We know that you all bring creativity and talent to our chapter. I encourage you to consider sharing your strengths with our community. You are why we exist. The more we get to know each other, the more our chapter reflects you and is able to meet your “why” for being a member. Connect with us so we can learn more about you and add your fingerprints to our chapter. 

I can’t wait to see you at an upcoming event. Please connect with meour chapter, and board of directors on LinkedIn. 

Cheers to a great year ahead,

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