Hi ATD San Diego!
Fall is always a busy time for the ATD San Diego board. With elections in progress and preparing for next year’s events, it is truly a busy but exciting time. Please take this time during our elections to make your choice for our 2021 ATD San Diego leadership team. Voting is open through October 2nd. This is an import part of our bylaws and we encourage all members to participate.
After elections you will receive an email asking for your input for our chapter. Annually, we solicit your response for what you are looking for from your ATD San Diego membership. Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts with us. We use your suggestions to develop our programs for next year!
As you consider your October activity, please consider one or more of these options from ATD and DISCcert Inc.
ATD San Diego’s upcoming events for October include:
Webinar – Are You Developing Your High Potentials Fast Enough
Oct. 6
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Coffee & Conversation – Frontiers & Careers in the Talent Development Field
Oct. 16
10:00 – 11:00 AM
ATD Southern California Chapters Virtual Networking Event
Oct. 17
6:00 – 7:00 PM
Webinar – Lunch & Learn: Engaging Learners with a Simple Online Simulation Game
Oct. 28
12:00 – 1:00 PM
ATD is offering two virtual certificate programs in October:
- ATD Master Trainer Program: October 13 – 16
- ATD Master E-Learning Instructional Designer Program: October 26 – 29
This month I am happy to share with our members the opportunity to become DISC Certified at a significant discount. DISCcert Inc. wants to help you get officially DISC Certified! Become the DISC Expert that knows how to facilitate and inspire real communication success. In this five live weekly online program, you'll learn and practice using DISC tools and strategies for immediate results. ATD San Diego members who register by Thursday, October 15th for the October Live Online DISC Certification Program, can register for only $995 (savings of $2500). Click here to register with promo code “OCTOBERDISCPROMO”
Should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out at president@tdsandiego.org.
Best Regards,

Mary Jane Riccardi
Chapter President