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[April 2020] A Message from the President of ATD San Diego

Mon, March 30, 2020 1:32 PM | Tom Velasquez (Administrator)

Hi ATD San Diego!

Wow! As I am starting to write this letter, I can’t help but think of what a different world we are living in compared to just 30 days ago. I sincerely hope all of you are well. I realized getting through this will be challenging for each and every one of us in our own way. 

As you have seen, the requirements for social distancing has caused us to cancel many of the events we had scheduled over the next several weeks. However, it also has caused us to consider what we can do instead. That is what I would like to address this month.

Starting next week, March 31, we will be hosting an ATD Professional VIRTUAL Mixer from 6:00 – 7:00 PM. We will be sharing how COVID-19 has changed our lives and discussing how ATD San Diego can help. I hope you will consider joining us. So grab your computer, webcam, headset and favorite beverage and Zoom on in. Details can be found on the website, along with registration and login information.

The 21st year of our Mentor/Protégé program is scheduled to kick-off on Saturday, May 30 with the critically important matching event. We know how important this program is for so many of our members to help them in their L&D careers. Because of the uncertainty of the situation, the program team is already putting in place the changes needed to offer this program virtually. This includes changes to the application, which will require a video submission in addition to the written application. We certainly hope and expect that our mentor/protégé pairs will eventually be able to meet in person, but for now, we need to keep our distance. More information will be available on our website shortly. Applications are due May 16. 

We are also looking at other events and resources we can provide during this time, so stay tuned to our social media channels and our website. Please feel free to reach out with any ideas. Better yet, join us on Tuesday!

Take care!

Mary Jane Riccardi

Chapter President
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