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December President's Letter

Sat, December 14, 2019 2:12 PM | Tom Velasquez (Administrator)

Hi ATD San Diego!

As we get close to wrapping up another year, I want to thank all of our volunteers who make this chapter possible. Especially our board of directors, many who are completing their two-year term.

·        Annette Weinstein – Past President

·        Bridget Randall – Programs Director (President-elect in 2020)

·        Chelsea Logan – Programs Director

·        Christine Pascual – Technology Director

·        Norma Hernandez – Secretary (CFO in 2020)

·        Mario Reina – CFO

·        Sharon Lo – Marketing Director

We are still looking to fill a few board positions for 2020/2021. If you have been volunteering and looking for a leadership opportunity, please let me know. 

Sometimes it can be confusing and frustrating to know what paths and milestones you can take to develop your L&D career. Careers develop differently, some by design and some by circumstance. As we wrap up this calendar year, join us as we welcome our panel of L&D professionals who will provide their insights into developing an L&D career. Our panelists represent a mix of expertise and differing develop paths. We will also provide additional information on resources from our chapter as well as the larger ATD organization and you will have the opportunity to talk with our panelists during the event. Our event is taking place Wednesday, December 4. I hope to see you there.

I wish you all a safe and wonderful holiday!

Should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out at

Best Regards,

Mary Jane Riccardi
Chapter President

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