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June President's Letter

Sun, June 09, 2019 11:02 PM | Deleted user

Hi ATD San Diego!

As we enter into the summer months and rain becomes a distant memory, I thought this would be a good time to overview what we have in store for you this summer.

As of the time you receive this letter, our new website should be up and running. I cannot say enough about all of the effort that went into this project. Please take some time to review the sight. We are looking for your feedback and suggestions. You can contact Christine, our Technology Director at with your comments.

The 20th anniversary of our award winning Mentor/Protégé program kicked off with the matching event on May 18. Pairs will be meeting throughout the summer into the fall moving their goals forward. Good luck to everyone. I hope you have a great experience.

Our June chapter meeting will be held on June 13 at Alliant University, “Branding Yourself with Social Media.” I love the topic! This should be a great session for all of us.

Your board of directors meet on the second Tuesday of each month, virtually and in-person (we meet in person once a quarter). Our next in person board meeting will be held in July and we would like to invite our members to join us. More details will be forthcoming, but you can hold the date of July 9 from 6:00 – 8:00PM. The location and agenda will be published on our website towards the end of June. Most likely we will ask for registration so we can accurately account for dinner.

In August we are planning a learning and development career discussion chapter meeting. We are in the process of planning and the date has not yet been set, but more details should be available within the next month. Also in August we will be starting our election of our 2020 board members.

And last but certainly not least, we will have both our La Jolla and North County HPA events.

I hope to see you at our June chapter meeting. Should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out at

Best Regards,

Mary Jane Riccardi
Chapter President
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