Hi ATD San Diego!
We have an exciting May coming up. We have several events taking place and I hope you are able to take advantage of at least one of these great learning opportunities. The May chapter meeting is taking place on May 2, our next workshop takes place on May 21, and the Mentor/Protégé program starts up with a new group on May 18. The application deadline is Friday, May 3.
I want to provide an update from the February chapter meeting where we received some great feedback from our members and guests. We received feedback on issues we need to address as well as ideas we can consider moving forward. By far, the greatest opportunity for improvement is in welcoming new members. Quite honestly, this did not come as a big surprise. We have been without a Membership Director for quite some time. We are working on forming a membership committee to help fill this gap. We also received several ideas including partnering with local colleges, ideas for creative collaboration, a new onboarding process, a new website, using our skills to give back to other non-profits, and holding workshops where members can share experiences. Although we may not be able to take action on every idea, we are making progress on a few: new member orientation, partnering with local colleges and a new website. Thank you to those who provided feedback on social media regarding the update of our website. We hope to launch in May.
Looking forward, we will be starting our search for new board members in the next few months. We are in need of several volunteers to take on numerous roles. These include Membership Director, Co-Programs Directors, Technology Director, CFO, Secretary, and President-Elect. As you can see, we have several roles to fill. Please consider these leadership opportunities. I know it can sound overwhelming, scary and time consuming. It doesn’t need to be if we have a full board and work together. It can actually be rewarding, fun and meaningful to your career development. Feel free to reach out to any of our board members or myself for additional information.
I hope to see you at our May chapter meeting. Should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out at president@tdsandiego.org.
Best Regards,
Mary Jane Riccardi |
Chapter President |