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June President's Letter

Mon, June 18, 2018 9:50 AM | Deleted user

Hello ATD San Diego!

Thank you to all of the volunteers for ATD 2018, what a successful conference!  I truly appreciate all who helped and a special thanks to the Volunteer Coordinators, Rebecca Everett and Nancy McMonigal. They worked really hard overseeing the volunteers, so grateful to have hard working volunteers.  Our board of directors also deserves special mention.  They were instrumental in helping with the volunteers and our booth. 

The president election is ending on June 22.  Click here for more information and to vote.  

Speaking of elections, this is my final president's letter.  Mary Jane Riccardi will be our new San Diego Chapter President.  I know the chapter will be in good hands with Mary Jane at the helm.   I want to thank everyone for all of their help and support during my presidency.  It has been an honor and a privilege to serve on the board. 

Warm Regards,

Annette Weinstein
Chapter President

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