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December President's Letter

Sun, January 03, 2016 9:49 AM | Deleted user

Chapter members, affiliates, and friends,

As we transition to a new year, it feels appropriate to acknowledge those members that have done much to keep our chapter alive and well.

Allow me to express my sincere gratitude to the following board members who have shared their time, talent and wonderful selves with the chapter. Although they are officially rolling off the board, we are looking forward to staying in touch at future chapter meetings and events!

Melanie Proshchenko’s contributions included overseeing the PEAK awards, the Mentor Program and the Special Interest Groups (SIG’s).

Dawn Schultz’s contributions included keeping the chapter’s finances in order and advising us on how our decisions could impact our financial health.

Jacqueline Sirota’s contributions included orchestrating our technology workshops and ensuring quality presenters and venues.

Volunteer Awards - Our chapter couldn’t function without the steady stream of amazing volunteers. This year we are honoring the following individuals:

Comeback Volunteer, 2015: Goes to Jeff Toister. Jeff did a tremendous job organizing and managing our 2015 Mentor program. I had the pleasure of attending the graduation event and was impressed by all the positive things the participants had to say. Thanks to Jeff and his team!

Rookies of the Year, 2015: We had two very special rookies to honor: Lainey Walker served as our Registration Coordinator/lead for all of the programs. Yvette Durazo was a big part of the HPA Networking meetings. Our sincere appreciation to both of you!

President’s Choice, 2015: I particularly want to thank Enrique Martinez for his willingness to do whatever we have asked of him. He is currently working with our Membership committee as the volunteer coordinator. You will see him welcoming new members and visitors alike, ensuring that everyone feels welcome and has a chance to explore how they can get the most out of our meetings and membership,

Volunteer of the Year, 2015: I am so pleased to honor Jacquie Uriell with this award. She has been involved in the Mentor program for several years now. While she expertly handles the logistics and always ensures everyone is well fed, she has a real passion for volunteering with the Mentor committee. In a casual conversation with Jacquie, she explained why the Mentor Program was so important to her. This is one place where she witnesses the selflessness of both mentors and protégés, giving of themselves to help each other without any expectation of repayment. I know that her contributions have been appreciated by all those involved in the Mentor program, and we thank her!

Finally, we love to acknowledge our Volunteers of the Month. We were a little behind in our announcements, so here is a quick shout-out of gratitude to the following Volunteers of the Month for 2015:

• July: Rebecca Everett – she headed up the PEAK awards committee and kept us on track.

• August: Elaine Hester – she jumped onto the Technology committee and began working with Annette Weinstein, then Director.

• September: Laurie Donnelly – she started volunteering at the registration desk but quickly found her niche with Dawn Shultz learning about the CFO position.

• October: Amy Osback – she graciously hosted the PEAK awards at Jack in the Box.

• November: Monica Braun – she headed up the Mentor program recruitment and continued to help whenever needed.

• December: Mark Warmbrandt – he’s done an excellent job pulling the Learning Technology Special Interest Group (SIG) together. Stay tuned for more on this SIG in the new year!

Don't miss the great events we have coming up; details and registration links are provided below.

The San Diego Board members and I look forward to connecting with you in the new year.

See you very soon,

Carollyn Rock

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